Tyra Medical

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Protect Epico ROM


Elbow orthoses for mobilisation with
immobilisation of the PRU joint


conservative care of elbow instabilities, with or without other injuries
orthotic care for Medial or lateral epicondyle fractures
postoperative care after prosthesis implantation
postoperative care after elbow stabilisation
functional follow-up treatment for stable fractures
passive mobilisation after elbow arthrolysis
postoperative care of elbow ligament instabilities

Mode of action

movement and guide orthosis for individual early functional treatment
movement is limited to 0? ? 120? in the hinge, to guarantee movement flexibility appropriate to the stage by early mobilisation ? this enhances joint mobility and accelerates healing
as a result of the permitted and really fixed scope of movement, the muscle pump is activated, thus improving the drainage of blood and lymph
flexion / extension restricted to the range 0?? 120? ? adjustable in steps of 10?.

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