Tyra Medical

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Mediven ulcer kit


Simply put on Compression Stockings

Stockings / Armsleeves PRF



Two components for unique therapeutic success
Mediven? ulcer kit is the logical response to the needs of doctors and patients with respect to inpatient, day care and outpatient compression therapy for venous leg ulcer: Medical safety, high compliance and economy.

Active ulcers with a slight to the moderate tendency of edema
CEAP classification C5 – C6
Mechanism of action
Mediven? ulcer, with an ankle pressure of 20 mmHg, is designed for long term compression. This moderate resting pressure is well tolerated by patients and permits continuity of compression treatment.

Mediven? ulcer plus, also with an ankle pressure of 20 mmHg, supports and reinforces compression during periods of mobility. This ensures the 40 mmHg compression pressure which is Medically required


Arterial disorders
Right sided heart failure
Massive edema
Pulmonary edema
Pre existing gangrenous damage


Optimum promotion of patient compliance
Comfort in wear combined with high durability
Reliable avoidance of painful constrictions and window oedema
Reliable binding of substances that cause odour
Antimicrobial yarn material

Mediven? ulcer: polyamide 71%, elastane 28%, silver 1%
Mediven? ulcer plus: polyamide 75%, elastane 25%

Available compression classes are CCL3(40 mmHg pressure at ankle)

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